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Winter 2023 Thumbnail

Winter 2023

It’s human nature to generalize our goals. “I’ve got to start exercising” is a common one. But a key to achieving a goal is to first identify one specific step.

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Fall 2022 Thumbnail

Fall 2022

Market corrections can come out of nowhere. Investors generally felt optimistic when 2022 began, following a banner year of equity mutual fund performance

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Summer 2022 Thumbnail

Summer 2022

When markets are volatile, everyone’s pleased with the upswings, perhaps eagerly checking out their mutual fund performance. But the downswings can be another story. Maybe those portfolio balances still get checked, but nervously.

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Spring 2022 Thumbnail

Spring 2022

It’s quite easy to end up with mutual funds in different places. You might have joined a group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) through an employer. Or opened Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) or Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) at your bank. It could be other investments too...

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Winter 2022 Thumbnail

Winter 2022

Are you looking to make a lump-sum contribution to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) this year? Maybe a top-up to increase a potential tax refund?

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Fall 2021 Thumbnail

Fall 2021

Canadians amassed $212 billion in savings last year, versus $18 billion in 2019, according to Statistics Canada. So far, most of us have simply been sitting on the savings or paying down consumer debt. If you stashed your cash in a bank savings account, you’ll likely have been disappointed at how little you earned on those savings...

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